Friday, February 26, 2010

Weigh in tomorrow!

Well, I'm almost done my first week on "program" and I'm feeling pretty good.
Today was a bit of a challenge because we got more snow. This has been the snowiest winter on record, or something like that. Don't get me wrong, I don't mind a bit of snow. It's so beautiful and peaceful. The first time. Then is just gets dirty and gross and I just want it to go away. We have had several large storms here this year. Being from Colorado, I am used to snow, but that doesn't mean I have to like it. Anyway, my instinct on these snowy days is to just stay inside, watch movies or read and, you guessed it...EAT! When I am at work and hungry, it is much easier to pace myself. I know I only brought so much food, which I packed in the morning, carefully calculating the points value. But at home, I know that I am only limited by the contents of my pantry! So, while I admit that I didn't have the fruits and veggies I should have today, I was still able to stay within my points! YIPEE!!! I weigh in tomorrow morning and I'm looking forward to it, cause I know I've lost something. I can't wait to see how my girlfriends did!

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