Sunday, February 28, 2010

Week Two - Bring it on!

So weigh in was a bit disappointing. I was sure I had lost atleast 3 to 5 pounds. I was telling my friend in the car on the way there how I knew I did well. I could feel it already. Whenever I've been on WW before, the first week has always been the best as far as total weight loss. So imagine my surprise when I stepped on the scale and looked down and saw the total. Surely, my eyes were decieving me! I lost a grand total of...wait for it... 1.6 pounds! Woo hoo! NOT! Now, I know what you are thinking...I've heard it already..."1.6 is great" "it's better than gaining" "blah, blah, blah" I know it is best to lose weight slowly and most weeks, I would be happy with the 1.6. I was just really hoping that the first week, I would get a little boost.
Oh Well.
But, don't worry, I am not deterred! In the past, I may have gotten discouraged and frustrated and maybe fallen ""off the wagon" but this time is different. This time, I know that quitting is not an option. So I will press on.

Friday, February 26, 2010

Weigh in tomorrow!

Well, I'm almost done my first week on "program" and I'm feeling pretty good.
Today was a bit of a challenge because we got more snow. This has been the snowiest winter on record, or something like that. Don't get me wrong, I don't mind a bit of snow. It's so beautiful and peaceful. The first time. Then is just gets dirty and gross and I just want it to go away. We have had several large storms here this year. Being from Colorado, I am used to snow, but that doesn't mean I have to like it. Anyway, my instinct on these snowy days is to just stay inside, watch movies or read and, you guessed it...EAT! When I am at work and hungry, it is much easier to pace myself. I know I only brought so much food, which I packed in the morning, carefully calculating the points value. But at home, I know that I am only limited by the contents of my pantry! So, while I admit that I didn't have the fruits and veggies I should have today, I was still able to stay within my points! YIPEE!!! I weigh in tomorrow morning and I'm looking forward to it, cause I know I've lost something. I can't wait to see how my girlfriends did!

Tuesday, February 23, 2010


Don't worry, I'm not going to bore you with daily post about my mundane eating and exercise habits. It's just while I get adjusted to this new "way of life" then I will probably cut back on my posts.
Today was much better. I was not as hungry all day. I was able to stay within my points easily. Don't get me wrong, I was still hungry but it wasn't painful today like it was yesterday. When I got home from work, I had some pudding that I had made with skim milk. Pudding is very filling so that tied me over until dinner. Did I say dinner???? Well, let me just say, dinner was delicious! I made the Mexican Meatloaf recipe that is in the Week One booklet. Wow! Delish! Dave even really liked it. I think my kids might even like it, too! It's so wierd cooking every night when they are not here. My fridge is so full of leftovers! So guess what's for dinner tomorrow night? You got it...leftovers!
I'm a little concerned because we are supposed to get another fairly large snowstorm starting tomorrow into Friday. I'm concerned for a couple of reasons. 1. I am supposed to drive to Reading for work on Thurs and Friday and Harrisburg on Saturday to watch our son, Alex, play at the Pennsylvania Christian Teen Conference. It's a pretty big venue, the largest one he's ever played at before, so I really want to go and see him. 2. I'm nervous because what does everybody do when is snows??? They hunker down and eat 'til it's time to shovel! I don't want to do that. So maybe you could say an extra prayer for me?
Anyway, I've really enjoyed seeing your comments. It's pretty cool to know that there are so many othere people on the same journey with me. We can do this!

Monday, February 22, 2010

Day Two

No headache when I woke up today. Praise God!
Painfully hungry all morning. Had lots of low point snacks but nothing seemed to satisfy. Felt better after luch but it didn't last long. Broke down and had some gummy bears (4 points) on the way home from work.
Got home and made the WW veggie soup which I ate to tide me over until dinner, it helped. Had dinner. Still hungry! UGH!
I'm hoping my body adjusts soon to the limited amount of food I am taking in. I know it will get better but right now it's painful.
I did manage a short walk before dinner.
All points used up today. Gonna tap into the reserve...I've got to have something!

Day One

Woke up with a raging headache - a monthly gift
Had a few moments - especially right before lunch and dinner that were pretty rough.
Did a short 20 minute walk around the neighborhood. Difficult for 2 reasons 1. a lot of people haven't cleared the snow from their walks and 2. MY KNEES ARE KILLING ME!
Made it through the day and stayed with in my points value YIPPEE!

Day 0

Weigh in! It's such a blessing that have friends who have decided to take this journey with me.
Someday I will post my starting weight but not yet. Suffice it to say, it is the most I've ever weighed. Ugh!
Today I will get organized, plan meals grocery shop, etc.
Dave and I went out to dinner, my "Last Supper" so to speak...Chicken Parmesean.

Blogging again only this time with a purpose!

Hello reader!
So I've decided to start blogging again. Only this time, I actually have something in mind to write about. It's a story that I've written and rewritten, never with a happy ending. I'm hoping this time will be different.
It's my weight loss journey. I've been on it many times before. Why will this time be didfferent? Well, I have to say, I'm feeling pretty motivated right now. Of course, It's only day two!
Over the years, I've learned a thing or two about losing weight.
It's interesting that I wasn't heavy as a child or teeneager. As a young adult, I put on a couple of extra pounds but I was still pretty happy with my body. It was only during my 2 pregnancies that I gained weight that I never really completely got rid of. Over the years, I've lost aned gained the same 15-20 pounds over and over again. When I gain it back, it brings friends. Now at almost 45 years old, my body is betraying me. My feet, ankles and especially my knees are constantly in pain when I stand or walk. Which makes exercise not only difficult but very painful. A catch 22, if you will.
Another obstacle is my hypoglycemia. When my blood sugar starts to drop (when I get hungry) I get shaky, confused, dizzy, hot and feel like I'm going to pass out. It's a terrible feeling that i have lived most of my adult life trying to avoid. The only way to stop these syptoms is to eat. I can't let myself get too hungry.
So I have to eat a lot and I have trouble exercising. Naturally, I gain weight.
So why will this weight loss attempt be different? It has to be. If I want to make it to 50, 55, 60 and beyond, I must get this weight off and keep it off.
So I'm putting it all out there...for everyone to see! Feel free to hold me accountable!