Monday, April 12, 2010

Progress is being made!

Well, apparently some people actually read this thing. I've heard from a few people recently that were wondering if I fell off the Weight Watcher wagon since I haven't posted in a while. Sorry 'bout that. The answer is no. I am still riding the wagon, although, I will say at times it's a bit bumpy, never the less, I'm still hanging on. I just haven't been inspired to blog. Call it writers block, laziness, whatever. So reader, I apologize! I will make an effort to blog more regularly.
So I know what you really want to know is how much weight have I lost, right? HA! If I told you right away, what else would we have to talk about???
Honestly, it has been slow. But I'm really ok with it. Old Tina would get discouraged and give up. New Tina don't play dat. I realize that a. I am older hence, a slower metabloism and b. because of my stupid knees, I can't exercise like I used to. About a half hour of walking and I'm done, in pain and need to rest. So I don't move as much, which makes everything move slower, if ya know what I mean.
So I am just going to keep on going and gradually increase my activity. Which brings me to my new goal. I really, really, really want to participate in the Susan G Komen Race for the Cure on Mothers Day (May 9) this year. That is less than a month away. It's only a 5K (3.1 miles) which is nothing if all your parts work right. My parts are not working like they used to so it will be a huge challenge for me to finish. My husband doesn't want me to do it because when I did the race 2 years ago, was when my knees really went south. But I want to try. I hope he will not only understand, but do the race with me.
So that is what I am working towards. I have been trying to get out at least once a day for 30 minutes of walking. Then I come home and do my PT exercises to strengthen my knees and hips.
I have to admit, since being on Weight Watchers and eating better, I am feeling tons better too. So I have more energy to get out and "train" plus the weather is getting nicer and that makes it a lot easier.
So I guess I will tell you what you want to hear. So far on the program, I have lost11.4 pounds. I know it doesn't seem like a lot in 7 weeks but like I said before, I'm ok with slow and steady. If I can just keep doing what I am doing, I will be sporting a bikini by summer 2011! Or at least I should be in a comfortable size and feeling healthy. As we used to say in my Mary Kay days, How do you eat an elephant??? One bite at a time! Baby steps.....


Stacy said...

Congrats, Tina! You're doing great. I hope your knees get stronger. I'm looking for motivation and, yes, you are a part of it! Thanks!

Kathy said...

you are doing great, you only want to lose a pound a week to keep healthy and happy.

Susan said...

Wow Tina-that's fabulous-11.4 lbs! Great Job! Re: the race, I think I agree with Dave...maybe train this year for the race next year? Would hate to see you injure yourself and then not be able to get out for daily walks...think about it-they have the Race for the Cure every year...

Diane Karchner said...

YOU GO, GIRL!! I think of you often when I struggle through each week!! Sometimes it's easier when I know someone else is doing it at the same time!!! Let's go bikini shopping when they are on sale in September - I think we'll be ready!! (Ok, myabe my cellulite won't be, but we'll be at least willing to laugh at what's left of ourselves!!!)

Pam said...

I'm very proud of you! Stick with it, but take it easy on those knees.

Jenster said...

Good job, girlfriend!! I wanna go bikini shopping with you and Diane.

Tina said...

Stacy, Kathy and Susan, Thanks for the encouragement. We can keep each other motivated! Susan, I hope Dave doesn't read your comments ;)
Mom, I love you!
Diane and Jen, that will be one wild shopping trip. Maybe we can get Jen some new undies, too...just sayin!

Unknown said...

Congratulations Tina! You said this time would be different and WOW is it ever. You are a huge motivation for me and I look forward to your updates. Thank you for sharing!