Friday, September 26, 2008

What Freaks you out???

So I'm sleeping blissfully sound early this morning (about 2:50 a.m.) and the phone rings. That is one of the scariest things for anyone. No one calls in the middle of the night unless it's an emergency. Before I answer, about a hundred possible scenarios go thru my head.
Once I remember that my kids are both home safe in their beds (or couch), the worst scenario is put to rest. Then I start thinking about mine and Daves extended families. One of our parents or siblings, maybe? Someone from church, or maybe there is a serial killer loose and someone is trying to warn us. There are so many things that it could be but one thing it's not...good!
Then I remember that our phone number is only one didgit off from one of the local 24 hour grocery stores. It's probably just someone who can't sleep and decided to call Redners to see if they carry Tylenol PM. Sure, that's it!
So I answer "Hello" and I try to make it clear that I've been sleeping so the caller knows that he or she dialed wrong and now has woken some other poor fool up. Then I hear "Is Lt. Colonel Stenman there?" Rut Ro! Now my thoughts go to the world. What is happening? Were we attacked again? Is my husband being deployed? Did something happen to one of the people in his unit?
Dave woke up and took the call. It turns out an alarm was going off in his office (which is 2 hours away) at the base. Nothing more than that, thankfully. Someone local was called and the situation was resolved but not before making me remember that things in our world can change very quickly.
What freaks you out?


Frank Chiapperino said...

UGH... I remember getting those kind of calls when I was in the Air Force. Not fun and yes they freaked us out from time to time unless we knew they were coming when we were playing war games on base.

Jenster said...

The phone ringing in the middle of the night is always scary! Todd's last job in Little Rock included phone calls every time the system went down and it seemed like the system always went down in the middle of the night.


I'm glad your call was nothing bad.

Evan Flora said...

scary! Are you taking a blogging hiatus? whats going on? and I thought we discussed that we would post each others links in the lists of blogs? Hmmmm